Not Being Fit And Proper
- Dishonest course of conduct,
- Exploiting and abusing a position of trust,
- Lack of skill, Care and Diligence.
- Tribunal upholds FSA decision to ban and fine former UBS advisers £1.3m for not being fit and proper in relation to an unauthorised trading scheme, FSA/PN/057/2012ü, 21 May 2012.
- Head of European Credit Sales at Credit Suisse fined £210,000 for improper market conduct, disclosing client confidential information and exhibiting a lack of skill, care and diligence. FSA/PN/026/2012,13 Mar 2012.
- FSA imposes £2.17 million fine for failure by Direct Line and Churchill to conduct their businesses with due skill, care and diligence, FSA/PN/003/2012, 18 Jan 2012.
- FSA bans and fines former UBS adviser £150,000 for not being fit and proper, FSA/PN/115/2011, 16 Dec 2011.
- FSA fines and bans hedge fund Compliance officer £14,000 for failing to act with due skill, care and diligence, FSA/PN/099/2011, 22 Nov 2011.